Introduction to Archetypes and the Greater Order of the Universe

Prof. Pedro Gomes
1st Year of the Esoteric Astrology Course
39 Classes available for download (Online classes recorded via Zoom)
To access this complete Course, you will have to make payment via one of the options:
Bank transfer
IBAN: PT50 0007 0000 0056 5947 8592 3
915 261 412 (Pedro Gomes)
Send proof of payment to info@trigonodefogo.pt
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Astrology is the matrix of the Cosmic Order. A living sequence, of the Immutable Order that occurs in the Universe and that is only perceptible to Initiates. The Matrix returns each Human Being to the Immutable Order, which exists within them on a spiritual level, at the core, most Internal of their Being. It is the form and Esoteric Science, the most important and the most complete for Man to find Himself , your Origin, your Immutable and Divine psychological Center.
In this 1st year of Approach to Humanistic and Transpersonal Astrology , we will study the following notions of an Archetypal nature:
1 - The Origin of Astrology - brief introduction and overview, through History (universal).
2 - The Philosophical-Metaphysical and Spiritual foundations of Astrology.
3 - The Ecliptica-Astronomical and Astrological meaning.
4 - The symbolism and meaning of the Horoscope: Cross and houses.
5 - The symbolic meaning of the Dragon's Head and Tail.
6 - Elements: Earth, Water, Air and Fire - their meaning in Astrology.
7 - Astrological Meaning of the Planets.
8 - The meaning and symbolism of the Transpersonal Planets - In Humanist, Transpersonal and Esoteric astrology: The Ambassadors of the Galaxy.
9 - Uranus - The transformative, innovative planet and symbol of Cosmic Intelligence.
10 - Neptune - The planet that reveals the One Life and the collective Myth.
11 - Neptune - its generational and Transpersonal meaning in the Astrological chart.
12 - Pluto - The planet of Alchemy, transformation, regeneration and sublimation of the Archetypes of the collective Unconscious.
Aspects in Astrology

Prof. Vera Craveiro Reis
3rd Year of the Esoteric Astrology Course
34 Aulas disponíveis para download (Aulas online gravadas via Zoom)
To access this complete Course, you will have to make payment via one of the options:
Bank transfer
IBAN: PT50 0007 0000 0056 5947 8592 3
915 261 412 (Pedro Gomes)
Send proof of payment to info@trigonodefogo.pt
Please fill out the Form with your details, ensuring your interest in purchasing the Course.
Confirm that you have made the payment, to receive the links to download the Course directly in your email account.
Following what was taught in the first two years, the 3rd level is dedicated to the meaning of Astrological Aspects and it is proposed, through theoretical and practical classes – with concrete examples, encouraging student participation –, to continue teaching the analyze an Astrological Theme.
The energetic matrix of the Being corresponds, in a Natal Theme, to the planets in the signs and in aspect.
The signs and the element to which they belong are qualities, gifts of the Spirit, they are paths of return to the Father's House.
The planets assume the vibration of the sign and the task to be performed. They are the agents and actors of our destiny.
Aspects are “lines of dialogue” between planets, signs and elements. They reveal the intensity and the way in which energies interact within each person.
The aim is to delve deeper into how the elements interact with each other and how the planets relate to each other depending on the signs and houses in which they are positioned within an astrological theme.
From the inner dynamics, these dialogues result in the evolutionary movement that leads us towards totality, Unity of Being.
A journey through the Stars integrates all the essential astronomical bases (Cosmo Geografis Celeste) so that any student can understand the fundamentals of Astrology. It is absolutely essential for any advanced student and/or teacher of Astrology.

Percurso nas Estrelas
Sessões de Astronomia

Prof. Luis Resina
4 Sessions available for download (Online classes recorded via Zoom)
To access this complete Course, you will have to make payment via one of the options:
Bank transfer
IBAN: PT50 0007 0000 0056 5947 8592 3
915 261 412 (Pedro Gomes)
Send proof of payment to info@trigonodefogo.pt
Please fill out the Form with your details, ensuring your interest in purchasing the Course.
Confirm that you have made the payment, to receive the links to download the Course directly in your email account.
Conjunção Júpiter Urano
Event with several speakers
1 Session available for download (online event recorded via Zoom)
To access this complete Course, you will have to make payment via one of the options:
Bank transfer
IBAN: PT50 0007 0000 0056 5947 8592 3
915 261 412 (Pedro Gomes)
Send proof of payment to info@trigonodefogo.pt
Please fill out the Form with your details, ensuring your interest in purchasing the Course.
Confirm that you have made the payment, to receive the links to download the Course directly in your email account.
Complete event dedicated to the Conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus, degree 22° , which took place on April 20, 2024.
Presentation by Pedro Gomes with talks by Vera Craveiro Reis, Conceição Pinho, Helena Sofia BA and Luís Resina.

Chiron - The Wounded Healer
Lecture - Melanie Reinhart

1 Sessão disponível para download (evento online gravadas via Zoom)
To access this complete Course, you will have to make payment via one of the options:
Bank transfer
IBAN: PT50 0007 0000 0056 5947 8592 3
915 261 412 (Pedro Gomes)
Send proof of payment to info@trigonodefogo.pt
Please fill out the Form with your details, ensuring your interest in purchasing the Course.
Confirm that you have made the payment, to receive the links to download the Course directly in your email account.
Lecture by Melanie Reinhart given during the Event dedicated to Chiron - The Wounded Healer.
Event took place from March 7th to 12th, 2023

Quiron - O Curador Ferido
Evento Completo - 6 Palestras

Lecture - Melanie Reinhart
6 Sessões disponível para download (evento online gravadas via Zoom)
Para ter acesso a este Curso completo, terá de efectuar o pagamento via uma das opções:
Transferencia Bancária
IBAN: PT50 0007 0000 0056 5947 8592 3
915 261 412 (Pedro Gomes)
Enviar comprovativo de pagamento para info@trigonodefogo.pt
Favor preencher o Formulário com os seus dados, garantindo o seu interesse na compra do Curso.
Confirme se efectuou o pagamento, para receber diretamente na sua conta de email os links para efectuar o download do Curso.
Evento completo dedicado ao Quiron - O Curador Ferido que ocorreu de 7 a 12 Março de 2023.
Palestras de Pedro Gomes, Jorge Lancinha, Conceição Pinho, Diogo Teixeira, Vera Craveiro Reis, Deborah Worthington, Michelle Fannon, Luís Resina, Helena Sofia B.A. e Melanie Reinhart