Within all Esoteric or Spiritual Sciences, Astrology thus assumes a preponderant role in the interconnection between all Esoteric Sciences and Traditional or Initiatory Knowledge, as well as the ultimate bridge for the illumination and integration of all Knowledge revealed by Spiritual Sciences.
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Curricular Program
1 - What is Theosophy, Arcane Wisdom, Ancient Wisdom or even Secret Doctrine
2 - The constitution of Man hidden from Man - Monad, Soul and Personality
2.1 - Human Personality.
2.2 - The Soul.
2.3 - The Causal body or Superior Mental body - The home of the Soul. 2.4 - The Monad - The Divine in Man
3 - Cosmogenesis - The Formation of the Cosmos and the Universe
3.1 - Action of the triple aspect of the Logos - 1st, 2nd and 3rd Logos (their exoteric counterparts in religions).
3.2 - The plans of the Solar System and the universe
4 - Energies and Esoteric healing
4.1 - Prana, Fohat and Kundalini.
4.2 - The Etheric body and its Esoteric constitution: Chakras, Nadis and smaller and/or secret Chakras.
4.3 - Healing from the Esoteric perspective, how it works
5 - Universal laws
5.1 - The Law of Karma.
5.2 - The Law of Evolution or expansion of Consciousness.
5.3 - The law of Reincarnation
6 - Cosmic Cycles
6.1 - Root races, World periods, rounds and Chains
7 - The Hierarchy or the Hidden Government of the World
7.1 - The Constitution of the Hierarchy-Aspirants; The Way of discipleship; The path of Initiation, The Masters of Wisdom.
7.2 - Ray Choans or the Masters of the Seven Rays.
7.3 - Hierarchy and creative centers
8 - The human-Devic Brotherhood
8.1 - Devic kingdom.
8.2 - the elementary - Elements: Earth, Air, Water and Fire.
8.3 - The devic kingdom - The Devic Hosts. The relationship between Man and the Devic Kingdom